Easy Payment —
E-Commerce Platform

Easy Payment is an e-commerce solution developed for MTS. With this solution, the user can pay for goods and services from a mobile phone account and from a bank card, as well as top up the MTS personal account both at the MTS showcase and from partner showcases.
— Replenishment of the MTS personal account balance,
— Payments for TSP services,
— Autopayments
— 4 user interfaces (MP, WEB, USSD, SMS),
— 5 million users,
— 50 transactions per second,
— 15 interfacing AS.
Numerical parameters:
© 1999 — 2024 Intervale. All rights reserved.
We were the first to launch SMS notification service for bank transactions. MTS easy payment — we came up with this project and implemented it. Since 1999, we have implemented more than 100 projects and 30 unique solutions for business