Feature Driven Development
An iterative and incremental software development process.
How is it achieved

When a task is received, we, already at the stage of the commercial offer, offer the customer to decompose the task into parts (Features).

Each part is a separate and complete functionality for the end user and is evaluated separately.

Parts of the system can be implemented both sequentially and in parallel. This allows the customer to plan a budget, and, depending on the goals, either launch the development of all parts in parallel, or implement the functionality of the ordered system sequentially.

1. Commercial offer
Advantages for the Customer

Plan a budget in the context of the functionalities of the system.
How is it achieved

Intervale performs development using the principles of Agile and Scrum methodologies. But this does not mean that there is no documentation, each task is worked out by an analyst, decomposed into requirements and scenarios, a document is prepared that the customer sees and on the basis of which the development is carried out.
2. Analytics
Advantages for the Customer

Written agreement.
How is it achieved

Every 2 weeks (sprint), the customer is provided with the result of the team's work in the form of a demonstration of what was done in 2 weeks. The customer sees the formation of the product and can immediately make comments.
3. Development
Advantages for the Customer

Constant monitoring of work evolution.
How is it achieved

Before the demonstration and before bringing the implemented functionality into a productive environment, the functionality is tested for compliance with the capabilities stated in the Technical Requirements and absence of errors is checked. The general set of tests includes Smoke testing, functional testing, load testing and regression testing. The set of autotests is constantly being updated.
4. Testing
Advantages for the Customer

Confidence in the quality of the product provided.

How is it achieved

A set of independent stands is formed for each project, which allows to perform parallel development, functional and integration testing. Within the project, a CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) system is formed, which minimizes the delivery time of the developed functionality for testing.
5. Implementation
Advantages for the Customer

The output of the functionalities to the productive environment in the shortest possible time. Rollbacks of functionalities, after the output to the productive environment, are reduced to minimum.
How is it achieved

After the first sprints, the company's specialists form documentation for the customer's specialists who will continue to operate the system. After the development is completed, the customer gets:

— General technical description
— Console user guides
— Description of interaction protocols
— Instructions for building and deploying the solution
— Description of the database structure

6. Documentation
Advantages for the Customer

Description for users how to manage the developed system.

How is it achieved

Intervale provides technical support for the developed solution 24/7. Depending on the level of the incident, the problem that has arisen can be solved both at the level of a technical support specialist and at the level of a developer.
7. Technical support
Advantages for the Customer

Any problems that arise will be resolved quickly.


— Angular 2+
— JSF2 (Primefaces)
— Typescript
— JavaScript
Technology stack
Logic and data access

— Java8
— Spring Framework
— JPA/Hibernate
— Grizzly
Application Server

— Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
— Wild Fly

— Nginx
— Oracle HTTP Server 12c
— Tomcat

— Oracle 11g/12c
— Postgresql
Architectural templates

— SOA (service-oriented architecture)
— Batch processing
— Multithreading
Supported interfaces

— google protobuf
— AMQP (Rabbit)
© 1999 — 2024 Intervale. All rights reserved.
We were the first to launch SMS notification service for bank transactions. MTS easy payment — we came up with this project and implemented it. Since 1999, we have implemented more than 100 projects and 30 unique solutions for business